Monday, June 20, 2011

Logo Designing Isn't Easy

Today, I noticed that in the Hunger Games trilogy (which have read, and am reading again) I noticed that the country of  Panem needs a national anthem and a seal. Both of these are mentioned in the books, but never described. So I took on the task of designing a seal. At the end of this post, you will see the three choices, and on the bottom of the page  you can tell me which is your favorite. You can use either the poll or the comments!

I went back to the library to get some more books. I got Ark Angel and Crocodile Tears. Then I noticed I reserved the books... IN THE WRONG ORDER. Fortunately, the next book in the series came, but not the one after that. However, the one after that second book did come. (Wait. What? This is really confusing..) And I read these things really fast...

And now on to the seals!




If you can, please vote! I'd love to know which seems most fitting. P.S. I drew these myself...


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