Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Scientists at CERN say that they have discovered another boson particle, however they don't know if it is the Higgs Boson particle, they will be conducting more research.

Link to the article below.


joetom2000 said...

Cool, I just watched this documentary series called, "Into the Universe, with Stephen Hawking." There are 3 episodes and they explain things in space. They say there's a moon on Jupiter that MAY support life. As it orbits around Jupiter, it expands and contracts during this cycle. Think about it like you're kneading dough. You expand it and contract it, while you are doing this, it creates heat inside of the dough. The moon is entirely made out of ice and since it's a moon, it has no atmosphere. However, the heat is reacting to the ice UNDERNEATH the surface. The result, they think there's water, as in actual H2O underneath the surface. Wherever there's H2O, there's a high chance of life. The heat doesn't reach the surface though, so it doesn't melt that ice on top. That's a good thing though! The moon doesn't have an atmosphere (like most moons I believe), so the ice protects the water from freezing up due to space's natural vacuum. There MAY just be life in OUR own Solar System. Can you believe that? Plus, they may not be the only things that MAY be living. We are in a universe with over billions of galaxies, so are we to say that we are the ONLY living things. We hardly discovered any of it, there's more waiting out there, just waiting to be discovered. It's impossible to find out everything however. Even though that is true, when we find out almost everything in one subject, our universe reacts to that and makes more things to discover. It's like everything's in one chain. Pretty interesting, don't you think so? -Ebido

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